In the unlikely event that a pupil hurts himself/herself, the instructor in charge will inform the director of the school and the parents if the child’s health has been affected in any way, mentioning any blows or injuries, even if they are not serious. Both of the Escola Catalana de Surf’s centres are near a C.A.P. (Primary Care Centre).
In the event that the child’s parents or guardians are not on the beach or using the school’s facilities, the parents will be informed of the situation and the child transferred to a primary care centre to be seen by a doctor. Depending on the diagnosis and treatment prescribed by the doctor, and after consultation with the parents, what to do next is decided: whether the child should remain at the centre or be taken home, for example.
All courses at the Escola Catalana de Surf include accident and health insurance that covers care and treatment and also the transfer of the child to the family home if necessary. The school’s management team is trained in first aid.